Celebrate the demoscene and retro computers with exceptional book series
Part of the retro computing history

Demoscene The logo Art
Demoscene: the Logo Art is the first book dedicated to logos and their creators for all demoscenes. Through its 400 pages you will discover more than 30 years of logo history within the demoscene.
Demoscene the Amiga years
This book is the first volume covering the years 1984 to 1993 with about 90 demos amongst the most famous and popular ones. Discover the technical, graphical and musical evolution of the Amiga demos throughout the years.

Demoscene The AGA years
From the Megademo, at the end of the 80s, to trackmos in the 90s, 1994 was the beginning of a new development for the Demoscene, with many demos released that used all the power of the Amiga 1200.
Demoscene the Amiga renaissance
Demos were back. The demoscene is back. In 1995, AGA overtook OCS demos in terms of the number of releases annually… until 2011, when OCS took over, and hasn’t dropped back since. This book close the Amiga demoscene history and will be available in September 2024.

Demoscene collection
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